Monday 30 October 2017

The month of October has flown by! The students have been working on many different things here in Grade 2:

Language - We continue to introduce new Word Wall Words each Monday and practice them daily.  Students are asked to spell them on independently on Fridays. 

A big focus for the Grade 2's right now is sentence writing.  Our lessons have covered sentence structure, asking vs. telling sentences, and as always, we are working on using  proper capitalization and punctuation.  If this is an area of need for your child, please have them practice at home with your help.

Math - We have completed our Numbers unit and have begun learning about 2-D Geometry.  The students have been exploring shapes with different numbers of sides and vertices.  If your child has difficulty counting by 2's, 5's or 10's, please spend some extra time practicing with them at home.  

Science - Simple Machines cont'd - The children are getting very good at naming simple machines, and recognizing that they exist to make work easier for us! 

A few reminders:

Please check your child's agenda every day.  There is often important reminders and sometimes homework that needs to be returned and completed.  WWW books need to be signed on the weekend and returned on Mondays.

The children will be getting a large amount of treats tomorrow evening.  Please try and save these treats for them to eat at home rather than in their lunches.  Excessive amounts of sugar do not help children focus at school and make it difficult for them do their best learning.

From October 30 - November 3, St. Anne is having a Spirit Week in Support of United Way. This year instead of bringing in a donation every day, we are asking for one donation of School Cash Online for the whole week.

Give what you can! 

Monday - Sports Day 
Tuesday - Black and Orange Day (costume day for the Kinders) 
Wednesday - PJ Day 
Thursday - Crazy Hat or Hair Day 
Friday - Favourite Movie or Book Character Day

Progress Reports are going home this Thursday, November 2nd.  Interviews will be scheduled for next Thursday, November 9th. 

Our Remembrance Day Liturgy will be held at 1:00 pm on Friday, November 10.

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